Welcome to Our New Lab Website!
Welcome to the new website for the lab group of Dr. Cameron D. Siler, Assistant Curator of Herpetology at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Oklahoma.
This website was designed with the goal in mind of bridging the gap between scientists, students, and the public. Our approach has been one of simplification and integration, with information organized into four main categories: Research, Publications, News, and The Lab. Scientific papers can be accessed in their published form in the Publications section, or found in a more simplified, jargon free format in our Research section.
The website dynamically changes with new posts regularly, so please feel free to check back often. Social media links have been made available to Facebook and Twitter throughout the site, allowing you to share information that you find exciting or interesting. Please also join our newsletter for quarterly electronic updates about our lab, research and publications.
Thank you for visiting, we hope you enjoy our site!