Science in Action 2015
Science in Action and Object ID Day is an annual event sponsored by the Sam Noble Museum. One Sunday a year, the museum is FREE to the public and all museum departments/collections, plus a wide variety of other OU or Oklahoma-based science entities have booths to educate people on their research or other items of importance.
This year the Herpetology Department featured our ongoing research on amphibian infectious diseases and offered up two ways that the public can assist:
- Helping fisherman and others who do aquatic recreation to understand the importance of disinfecting their gear between sites, in order to decrease the spread of chytrid and ranavirus.
- Highlight our new Citizen Science kits that will soon be available to any teachers, fisherman, etc. who spend time near water and want to help swab frogs for chytrid or take eDNA samples.
Check out our poster and pamphlet!
- Our booth
- eDNA filter apparatus
- Kai waits for visitors
- Nick, Elyse, Jessa, and Cam (Left to right)