OU Herpetology Course Visits the Red Slough
What an amazing adventure with a great group of students at OU. We visited the Red and Grassy Sloughs in southeast Oklahoma, enjoyed some AMAZINGLY cold weather, and managed to have just a little bit of fun…
- Katie Shauberger catching up on field notes
- Andrew Amrein taking a much needed rest after daytime herping
- Left to Right: Andrew Amrein, Rachel Flanagan, Drew Davis
- Left to Right: Tim Colston and Elyse Ellsworth
- Class at work swabbing amphibians and reptiles
- Left to Right: Ali Ashford and Josh Kouri
- Left to Right: Lauren Pinaroc, Austyn Roberts, and (hidden) Ali Ashford
- Drew Davis taking notes in the field catalog
- Ph.D. graduate student Drew Davis provides a lesson on swabbing amphibians for chytrid fungus
- Ph.D. graduate student Tim Colston provides a lesson on swabbing bacterial communities on amphibians and reptiles
- Left to Right: Tana Moore, Tim Colston, Nick Huron
- Group photo shoot
- Our “funny” shot