New chytrid grant funded for Oklahoma



The Siler Lab is excited to announce a recent grant funded through the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) entitled “Tracking the emergence of infectious disease among amphibian species of greatest conservation need—Amphibian surveys of Wildlife Management Areas in Oklahoma to determine current distribution, status, and health of native communities.” This research will become the very first comprehensive, statewide assessment of the infectious amphibian diseases, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (also known as Bd or chytrid) and ranaviruses, which are known to cause amphibian population declines worldwide. Chytrid has been recorded in only two counties in Oklahoma, and ranaviruses have never been screened for in the state; however, both have been documented among amphibian populations in bordering states. This new research program will involve fieldwork in 21 counties, spanning the next three years, and will directly involve undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Oklahoma and collaborating institutions across the state.


Map of Oklahoma showing the six Oklahoma Wildlife Action Plan Ecoregions. Our three-year plan includes sampling in all six ecoregions. Results for the previous site surveys for chytrid fungus are also highlighted for reference.